From Passion Project to Award-Winning Newsroom: A Deep Dive into Omar Delgado, and the CCNN Show

Jim Turner
Reading Time: 4 minutes

EP102: Omar Delgado, Education Technology Specialist, and TV Production Teacher TV Matters

Wherever you get your podcasts, press play and tune into TV Matters for the inspiring story of Omar Delgado, the visionary teacher who grew and expanded his high school’s broadcast show CCNN (Christopher Columbus News Network), into a thriving, student run, daily news broadcast and media program. 

Meet Omar Delgado: The Heartbeat of CCNN

Omar Delgado teaches broadcast, film, and TV production at Christopher Columbus High School in Miami, Florida, where he’s been teaching for 20+ years. 

Omar has earned Teacher of the Year awards from Columbus, the Florida Scholastic Press Association and from Student Television Network, or STN, a nation-wide non-profit. 

Omar and I (Misha) met at an STN conference, which I’ve sponsored and supported for many years with EditMentor and EditStock. His students regularly win contests at STN. These are not school or city-wide contests. I’m talking about national contests, out of hundreds of schools and thousands of students. 

At Christopher Columbus, he advises the school’s nationally recognized daily, student-led news show, CCNN live. He also runs a podcast called Say Your Name and Spell, on which I’ve been honored to be a guest. 

Omar’s impact on media education is pretty much impossible to miss. In today’s show we’re going to learn how he built his program, the term technology-enhanced teaching, AI in the classroom, and how he keeps it all together. Omar, welcome to the show.  

Running CCNN

Imagine walking into a bustling newsroom filled with young journalists crafting stories, recording podcasts, and dreaming of reporting on a the national stage. This isn’t a scene from an NPR newsroom or Broadcast University; it’s the everyday reality at Christopher Columbus High School’s CCNN – the brainchild of the ever-energetic Omar Delgado.

For Delgado, CCNN isn’t an after-school activity giving students busy work; it’s a second home, a testament to his unwavering dedication to the school at which he once attended as a student and now teaches media. He pours his heart and soul into the program, investing countless hours beyond the school bell (his wife understands – we asked). But the reward, he says, lies in witnessing the transformation of his students from shy beginners to confident storytellers. He sees how CCNN empowers young men to find their voices and forge their paths into manhood at the all boys school. .

The Key for Student Success is Setting the Bar High: Balancing Expectations with Support

Delgado is no pushover. He expects hard work and dedication from his students, particularly those on the “national team,” setting the bar high and pushing them to excel. But his demanding environment is balanced by unwavering support and mentorship. He’s at the school working late, too. He recognizes individual needs and strengths, celebrates every victory, and ensures each student plays a role towards helping the team. He’s their guide, their cheerleader, and their champion. Delgado recalled a story where, in their first year competing at Student Television Network’s (STN) national contests, his kids finished in third place. The students felt like they had let him down, but was proud of their effort and told them as much. 

Tech-Savvy Learning: Embracing the Future of Video

In today’s digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in Delgado’s approach. He’s a master of embracing the latest tech trends, incorporating online platforms, flipped learning models, and project-based learning  into his curriculum. This keeps students engaged, fosters independent thinking, and equips them with the skills they need to navigate the ever-evolving world of media.

More Than Just Passion: The Resourcefulness Equation

Creating a program of this caliber requires more than just passion and strategy. Delgado is a master of resourcefulness, securing funding through innovative means like ad sales on the daily school broadcast,  partnerships with a high school PPV platform for student sports, and crowdfunding by sharing his classes’ national vision with school supporters. This support, nearly $80,000 per year, allows him to provide his students with professional-grade equipment and travel .

Empowering Young Journalists: The Heart of CCNN

At the core of CCNN’s success lies Delgado’s belief in student empowerment. He fosters a competitive yet supportive team environment, where students take ownership of their shows, make decisions about content, and learn from both successes and failures. He understands that learning comes from doing, and CCNN provides fertile ground for them to cultivate their talents and discover their unique voices.

Navigating Challenges: From Work-Life Balance to Content Choices

Delgado’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Balancing his dedication to CCNN with his personal life requires a delicate dance. He credits the unwavering support of his family as a key ingredient in maintaining this equilibrium. Additionally, he knows that student generated content, particularly that which is shared with the school as a whole, has to be sensitive to a Catholic school environment. Students have more leeway when creating op-in shows like podcasts, which are not played to the whole school during morning announcements. 

The Proof is in the Pudding: Awards, Impact, and Inspiration

Delgado is ambitious and set his sights on making a nationally recognized program.  CCNN has blossomed into an award-winning program at STN, producing graduates who are making waves in the media and communication fields. Delgado’s impact extends far beyond CCNN, with his mentorship guiding fellow teachers as they work to build programs around the country. His dedication and innovative approach serve as an inspiration to educators everywhere who believe in setting high expectations for student accomplishment and competition.

Beyond the Podcast: Takeaways and Inspiration

So, what can we learn from Delgado’s story? This podcast episode isn’t just about CCNN; it’s a blueprint for educators who want to cultivate thriving learning environments. It’s about igniting passion, fostering adaptability, and embracing a growth mindset. It’s about believing in your students, pushing them to excel, and providing them with the tools and experiences they need to not only succeed but to soar.

Feeling inspired? Dive deeper into Delgado’s journey by listening to the full podcast. Let his story be a springboard for your own exploration of innovative teaching practices and empowering your students to reach their full potential. Remember, every classroom can be a newsroom, and every student can be a storyteller. Start your own CCNN journey today!

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BY Misha Tenenbaum

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