How to use a Film Slate in Production

film slates
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Tracking the details of every take in production provides a visual and auditory record for the director, and ultimately the editor of a film. The clap of the sticks on the top of the slate serves as a visual and audio reference for post-production when syncing picture with sound.

In the early days of silent films, the slate (or Clapper Board) was the principal method for detailing each take with the film type, setup, and take number. To this day, slates allow anyone viewing the footage to see details about the scene immediately, know what take they are on, and learn technical details of where the footage is stored.

The first sound recorded for a feature film was The Jazz Singer in 1927. Once the sound was included, the job of editing became even more complicated since the video and audio now had to be synched. An actor’s lips moving needed to be perfectly in time with the picture. Sound effects need to have a precise attachment to the action. And the role of the slate became all the more important.

We’ve all seen films that run out of sync. Sync issues confuse the viewer and disrupt their focus on the story. For this reason, filmmakers use the “clap” of the film slate to sync the exact frame of picture and sound. It provides a clue to the editor of the proper alignment of audio with video.

Slating Each Take

In filmmaking, a TAKE refers to each recorded version of a performance from a specific camera setup. As the director attempts to capture the exact shot, mood, or performance, many takes of the same setup often are recorded. Usually, the last take is among the best, but earlier takes may also be helpful due to the many nuances of a scene. The script supervisor will often note the better takes right on the printed script to give the editor another reference.

The film slate contains details of the take as a way of both keeping track and also visual seeing
on-screen what each take includes.

Common Information on Film Slates:

  • Production – The name or title of the production (project)
  • Roll or Reel – The roll or reel in current use, which could refer to a film or digital media card.
  • Scene Number – Based on the scene number listed in the script.
  • Camera Setup – Typically listed as a letter within the Scene box on the slate. It usually appears after the scene number. The letter changes whenever a new shot is set up, usually because the camera changes positions.
  • Take – The current take of the camera setup.
  • Director – Name of the director of the production
  • Camera – Name of the cinematographer of the production
  • Date – The month, day, and year of the production.
  • Day / Night – References if the shot occurs during the day or night in the movie, not real life.
  • Int/Ext – References if the shot is taking place inside (interior) or outside (exterior)
  • Sync/Mos – References if the shot is recording audio (SYNCH) or not (MOS). Sometimes, a slate might not include the notation MOS. Instead, the AC will hold their hand between the sticks of the slate instead of “CLAPPING”. This will give a visual indicator that a scene is not recording sync sound.
film slate
Film slate or “clapper board” from the film Cinder Pumpkin

Some slates have digital timecode to assist with the syncing of audio too. Sometimes, the AC will call out “Soft Sticks” before clapping the sticks softly. This happens when the slate is very close to an actor, to not startle or disturb them as they prepare for the scene. This call also gives post-production a heads up when reviewing footage that the “clap” will be more subtle.

What is a Tail Slate

A Tail Slate is placed upside down in the frame at the end of the shot. This can happen for various reasons, such as a complicated camera movement making it difficult to get the slate at the beginning of the shot or a need to shoot quickly due to a special moment. 

film slate
Tail slate

SER or Series Means Multiple takes in one shot

SER or Series means multiple takes in one shot allow the filmmaker to instruct an actor to do a specific action or say a few lines of dialogue multiple times in one shot. These multiple takes typically live on one media file. The term for them is a SERIES (SER for short.) It is the filmmaker’s job to select the strongest performance from the clip.

takes in one shot
A series, or SER means multiple takes in one shot

Mastering the details of the film slate gives the filmmaker a bible of information when reviewing and selecting from the numerous takes recorded. Merely scrolling through the dailies would be an arduous and time consuming task. Like any project that requires detailed notes, filming demands organization, notes, continuity, and attention to detail; all items addressed with the valuable film slate.

For fun, here’s a link to a reel made by Geraldine Brezca. He is the Film Slate Person from Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards that shows the many takes recorded for the film. Enjoy and keep clapping!

BY Misha Tenenbaum

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