Video Literacy is for Every Student

Who is EditMentor for?
Reading Time: 2 minutes

When we started building EditMentor – an interactive system for teaching video storytelling – we focused on the needs of high schools and colleges. But lately, I’ve met all kinds of folks I wish I knew from the beginning of this journey: parents who home school their kids, state-supported virtual schools, non-profits for an array of causes, and the foster care community, to name a few.

If you are a member of a group that needs EditMentor and can’t afford it, keep reading, because I have an offer for you. 

Video Storytelling Education is the Same for Everyone

These students (and their teachers) come from so many different backgrounds. They learn in different ways, in different environments, and with access to different resources. But these communities have a lot in common, too — and they found EditMentor because of our shared educational values:

  • Learning should be fun and interactive
  • Storytelling should be the heart of video education
  • Hardware should not be a barrier

With EditMentor, students can learn at their own pace. They can learn alone, in a flipped classroom setting, or be guided by an instructor. And because there is nothing to install or download, EditMentor provides the same experience for students learning on a Chromebook or a MacBook Pro — at the library, home, or media lab.

Everyone’s lives are better when they learn how to tell their story with video. With EditMentor, all learners — regardless of age, socio-economic status, or geography — can discover how to impact and communicate with an audience, and hone those skills to create art, start a business, and perhaps even change the world.

Let’s Revolutionize Your Classroom Together

We want to partner with your organization. Drop us a note and let us know how we can help meet your video program’s curriculum needs. No matter your budget or classroom size – whether you have 10 students or 1,000 – we will figure it out. For reference, our normal educational pricing can be found here. Take a look, think it over, and let’s talk.

BY Misha Tenenbaum

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